CAD/CAM/CAE Observer
Международный информационно- аналитический PLM журнал
The PLM Magazine, analytical edition in Russian language

Наш журнал принимает участие в тематических выставках и конференциях стран Балтии, СНГ, России и Зап. Европы...


Our new Project rightfully opens the interview of Evgeni Savtchenko, the leader of the CAD/CAM/CAE department of “Sukhoi Design Bureau”. This remarkable, frank material I advise to read all, who are interested in the history of the success in far from simple task of the creation of its own CAD/CAM/CAE/PDM system.

Without rejecting the critical approach – both to the achievements of the key software developers in particular, and to the evaluation of the development of CAD/CAM/PLM market as a whole, we, apparently, “grew” to understand the importance of such magazine’s activity, as the propaganda of the success formula of the key users of these products. It is no secret that the enterprise leaders, responsible for adoption (just as the nonacceptance!) of the decisions, often do not have sufficient knowledge in this sphere or resoluteness to make a choice. I will not say, what more – however it is known that “road will master going”, but “fate caresses young and zealous”.

The limitedness of the existing financial and human resources often cover the absence of the necessary skills of the enterprise heads. As a consequence – seeming inoffensive “islets of idiocy” on the industrial map of the country are merging into the entire archipelagoes...

In the existing situation we distinctly see the task set in front of our magazine to regularly retell the companies leaders about actually successful examples of CAD/CAM/CAE/PDM systems introduction and implementation in Russian enterprises. Thus such examples are far not so many, as it would like to, but no longer so few. There are plenty of things to look at and to learn from! This is actually the main sense and the content of our new Project, which we named – THE SUCCESS FORMULA. Published for your attention E.I. Savtchenko interview – “first sign” of this Project.

What particular genre – interview, reportage or the classical Successful story – will prove to be the most appropriate in each specific case of propaganding achievements of manufacturing sector’ pace-makers, will be depended not only on our creative potential, but also on the preferences of Project participants. Each, who strives for success, must pass the whole way. Each has its own; however in time gotten knowledge and experience of colleagues will help to avoid the “difficult mistakes”.

Youri Soukhanov, Editor-in-Chief

"The success is defined by the combination of our engineers' knowledge with modern tools, multiplied by desire to create innovative designs"
"The Success Formula" of "Engineering center" company, Chelyabinsk

"PLM implementation means, first of all, putting things in order at the enterprise".
Interview with D.S. Trifonov (company "Tyazhmash")

"You should develop your own implementation methodology".
Interview with Y.F. Ibraev ("Novosibirsk chemical concentrates plant")

"To perform an implementation project in time!"
Interview with I.G. Vorontsova ("EP-Audit")

"For aviation engines industry NX is beyond comparison".
Interview with D.N. Eliseyev (FSUE "Salut")

Success story of FSUE "Salut"

"Effective management system, instead of irreplaceable people".
Interview with S.A. Afanasyev (company "VAGONMASH")

"Reliability of our aggregates and systems comes first of all!"
Interview with A.V. Struchkov ("Teploobmennik plant")

Success story of "Teploobmennik plant"

Interview with Evgueni I. Savtchenko, head of CAD/CAM/CAE department (Sukhoi Design Bureau)

Success story of Sukhoi Design Bureau.